2023/12/20 – Diego Darriba, one of the most influential scientist in the world.
DIRECTORS: Margarita Amor López | Ramón Doallo Biempica DATE: Thursday, september 14, 2023 TIME: 11:00 PLACE: Room “Víctor Gulías”, Faculty of Informatics DOWNLOADS: RUC UDC | PDF
XUNTA | LA VOZ DE GALICIA | EL CORREO GALLEGO Julia García (1st w Left) and her PhD director Guillermo López (1st Left) with Biostatech team and director of GAIN agency.
Somos Noticia (Brasil) | El País (sólo suscriptores) | Forbes | Cadena Láser (Argentina) |
UDC | CITIC | La Voz de Galicia | Portal Gciencia